Thursday, June 14, 2007
Uh yeah, hi
So I kinda want to brag, but that's not really my style. Let's just say I went away and produced a really big website. It involved a 3 day video shoot, and some time in Salt Lake City. And then, after the big site was launched I got really sick. Because adult life is just like when you were in college, except now instead of crashing after finals, I crash after a big project. Oh, and I don't live in the sorority house, and I make money, and I don't party as much, and I don't live by the beach. Meh. Still, I was on antibiotics for 3 weeks and diagnosed with my first migraine ever. Which is sad.

Today at work, one of my co-workers, a nice guy named Larry decided to IM me a link to a fart sound mixing board. (This shouldn't surprise you, because I also love self inflating whoopee cushions.) I did some really nice fart mixology, and was quite pleased with myself this afternoon. My newish neighbor, Janice was laughing pretty hard at some of the tracks I was laying down. Then Larry called and was playing farts for us, and we put him on speaker phone and were really dueling it out, all West Side Story-like. And then, of course, the president walks by my desk and says hello.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelgoth here... I wanna hear those mixed farts!

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