Saturday, August 19, 2006
Rear Window

Troll Family
Originally uploaded by neomi_blog.
More frightening than even a Hitchcock movie is the trend of putting furry critters, trolls, stuffed animals or dolls in the rear window of one's automobile. This display is one of the most "impressive" I've seen.

We have a varitable family of wee trolls setting up a humble home in the back of a C Class Mercedes. Imagine the fun they have! Waving at passers by. Trying to work the radio when the owner has parked the car and left so they can sing along to Chumba Wumba's "I get knocked down." Pressing their butts against the window in parking garages. Taking the car for a joy ride to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. Having a romp on the leather interior. Fighting for space with little Fido, Jr for a space in the sun when they're on their way to the groomer. Ahh. The good life.

In this photo, one seems to have located the brakes and stopped the car at a red light. Those trolls! They're so ingenious!


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